GEMS Academy Alexandria


At GAA, we envision a comprehensive educational experience that equips students to become independent learners and global citizens, preparing them for real-life success while instilling a genuine passion for learning. Our commitment extends beyond academic excellence, emphasizing the significance of holistic development and providing pastoral care. We strive to deliver a quality education that nurtures students’ comprehensive growth, fostering their independence and global awareness, which prepares them to thrive in an ever-changing world.

GEMS Academy Alexandria


Our mission is to cultivate lifelong learners who demonstrate exceptional academic proficiency alongside strong character and values. We empower students to reach their full potential, fostering a sense of pride in their identity and embracing the richness of diverse cultures. With steadfast dedication, We aim to develop independent learners who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world and contribute positively to society.

What We Offer

Our Programs